Resolutions Of The Second NINAS Townhall with Leaders Of Thought Across The Nigerian Society on 08 October 2023

Resolutions Of The Second NINAS Townhall with Leaders Of Thought Across The Nigerian Society on 08 October 2023

NINAS Secretariat
09 October 2023

At a Virtual Townhall Meeting of the NINAS Outreach Team with Leaders of Thought across Various Segments of the Nigerian Society, held October 8, 2023, the following Resolutions were Proposed and Adopted:

(1) That it is now past debate that the imposed Unitary Constitution of Nigeria (1999) is the Instrument by which the Sovereignty, Assets, and Rights of the Constituent Components of Nigeria are hijacked and confiscated.

(2) That the Unitary Constitution creates the system that delivers everything we now lament, including Corruption, Impunity, Insecurity, Mass Poverty, Humongous Cost of Governance, Serial Electoral Heists (including the inconclusive 2023 Presidential Election), Bad Governance, Absence of Rule of Law Infrastructural Decay, and everything else tormenting the Peoples of Nigeria.

(3) That the Unitary Constitution of Nigeria is the Tap from which ALL our Woes, Failures, and Miseries flow. That Constitution is the Chief-Enabler of the many Malfeasances exhibited by People in Power, System Failure, and Erosion of Faith in the Nigerian Union, all leading to the State Failure that Nigeria presently exemplifies.

(4) That in the light of Resolutions 1, 2, and 3 above, the Task of “Taking Back Our Country” must of necessity be first about Taking Down the Unitary Constitution of Nigeria, and that any other kind of redemptive effort that does not first deal with this Fundamental Question of Basis of Union and the Union Arrangements (i.e., the Constitution as written), is FUTILE and most probably driven by Lack of Knowledge.

(5) That it is self-evident that as long as the current Unitary Constitution of Nigeria remains in place, the Postulation that ”A New Nigeria Is Possible” is simply Not Logical as No New Nigeria can be built on the Imposed, Fraudulent, Unworkable Unitary Constitution of Nigeria (1999).

(6) That we must now Turn Off the Tap instead of Mopping in Futility as we have done across the last 24 years since 1999.

(7) That guided by a Cause-Effect Analysis of why Nigeria is where it is now, the Most Potent Strategy by which those who are now face-to-face with the Monstrosity of Unitary Nigeria (including those who seek Mandate Recovery) can Successfully Grapple with and Overcome the Evil System entrenched by Unitary Nigeria, is to now Elevate our Post-Election Demands to include an immediate TRANSITIONING for Constitutional Reconstruction in addition to the Question of Electoral Mandate, since the 1999 Constitution is the Direct Cause and Enabler of the Daylight Electoral Robbery executed by INEC and Ratified by the Judiciary September 6, 2023.

(8) That success in this Demand will not only oust the Impostors from Power, but it will also bring us to Transitioning for Union Reconfiguration that will deliver the Actual Changes we sought when we first plunged into the Task of Enthroning a Better Leadership in Nigeria by way of Elections, or when we first plunged into uncharted Self-Determination Campaigns such as Biafra Restoration, Oodua Republic, and Resource Control.

(9) That placing this Demand for Immediate Constitutional Reconstruction on the Table by those injured on February 25, 2023, Charade, and the Daylight Robbery of September 6, 2023, completely changes the dynamics of the Disputations around Nigeria’s Bungled 2023 Presidential Election since the Ousting of the 1999 Constitution immediately upturns whatever manipulations INEC and the Courts may have done to arrive at the Dubious Verdict of September 6, 2023.

NINAS Secretariat will be available to guide all who wish to join the urgent Task of Constitutional Reconfiguration that begins with Transitioning Arrangements.

NINAS Secretariat 
Tel: +234 912 993 1551

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