NINAS Bids Farewell To Princess Folashade Olukoya


Ninas Bids Farewell To Princess Folashade Olukoya

At a time of great tribulation in the land, when confusion reigned supreme and fear paralyzed the men of the land, then arose an Amazon, a Princess and a Woman-Warrior who cared enough for her People to step in most courageously into the Hottest Frontlines of the Battlefield in the Campaign to Liberate the Land.

From what was the hand of Providence, Princess Folashade Olukoya was on the Delegation of the Atayese to an Anniversary Event for the Illustrious Chief Adekunle Ajasin in Akure to which the MNN was invited (MNN – is “Movement for New Nigeria” and was the Mobilization Vehicle that birthed NINAS when the Indigenous Nationalities of Nigeria embraced the Propositions of the MNN Alliance.

With an uncommon clarity on the issues bedeviling her Homeland; and with the zeal of a Liberator, Princess Folashade Olukoya very quickly became the Arrowhead and Pointswoman for the entry of Atayese into MNN, reinforcing the Yoruba Bloc in the MNN Alliance at a time their ranks had been depleted by the drifting away into partisan Politics, of many who had been part of NADECO and PRONACO.

In no time, her eye for detail, her tenacity, and her capacity to navigate complex situations with relative ease saw her assuming more responsibilities in the MNN Alliance, becoming a Part of the MNN Team that did a lot of Field Work in the Eastern flank of Nigeria, particularly the Niger-Delta, at a time Armed Agitation for Resource-Control had plunged the Region into a War-Zone and many feared to venture into the Territory.

She went all the way to the Ijaw frontlines of that War, deep into Bayelsa, and in the process, earned the confidence of the Topmost Leaders of the People and their Agitation for Equity in the Inequitable Union that Unitary Nigeria had become for all.

The testament to the depth of her commitment and involvement is the fact that she was a Signatory of the MNN Lagos Declaration of June 30, 2011, by which the Constituent Component Nationalities of Nigeria were Mandated to Prepare their Regional Draft Charters and Regional Draft Constitutions in readiness for the Regional Referendums that will be precipitated by the escalation of the Campaign for Self-Determination. This was in the period that MNN Transitioned its operations to the emergence of the Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance for Self-Determination (NINAS).

She was a Signatory of the NINAS Freedom Park Proclamation of December 11, 2018, which was the precursor to the December 16, 2020, Constitutional Force Majeure to which she was not only a Signatory but a Co-Convener and Chair of the All-Purpose Committee which effectively oversaw the day to day operations of NINAS Countrywide on behalf of the NINAS Board of Conveners. In the International Circuit, Princess Shade Olukoya became an inspiration and encouragement to the US-Based Daughters of Truth (DoT) which Independently Leads Certain Special Operations for the NINAS Campaign.

As Princess Folashade Olukoya excelled in her numerous undertakings in the NINAS Alliance, she watched like a mother eagle over her native Yorubaland, frequently having to frontally take on some well-established Political Renegades who traded with the Fortunes and Future of the People.

Whether you were Governor, President, Vice-President, Army General, or Politician, she gave Advice when Advice will suffice. She rebuked when a rebuke was required and she took other drastic measures when both Advice and Rebuke proved inadequate. That was the case with the imbroglio that embroiled Ilana Omo Oodua.

When the story of the Liberation of Yorubaland and the Non-Caliphate rest of Nigeria, from the bondage of Unitary Nigeria is told, the name of Princess Folashade Olukoya will be written in gold, featuring in the hall of fame along with the likes of Madam Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, as some of the Heroic Women Who Stepped in when Yoruba Situation Defied the Courage of the Men.

NINAS has lost an important Pillar at a time when the steady hands of our best pilots are required to navigate the Ship of the Liberation Project to the Victory Habour that is already on the horizon with the Defeat and Delegitimization of the Fraudulent 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.

In all things however, we give thanks to God for the life of impact Princess Folashade Olukoya lived, even as we commiserate with the Olukoya Family of Odogbolu for this monumental loss.

May God Almighty Grant Her Rest, as she triumphantly joins the League of our Ancestors.

We are confident that we now have one more worthy advocate in the spiritual realm from where she will continue her role of watching the back of her People.

Farewell, Princess.

Tony Nnadi,
On behalf of the NINAS Board of Conveners.
May 20, 2024.

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