Union Dispute; Constitutional Logjam: We Either Discuss Nigeria Now Or Dissolve The Union

Prelude: We must now be serious in addressing the Union Dispute and constitutional crisis by either reworking the Nigeria Union, or dismantling it, and dissolving this unworkable and failed Union.

The long-lingering Union Dispute has now led to a Constitutional Logjam (a constitutional crisis) following the botched 2023 Presidential Election that should not have been embarked on at all under the illegitimate 1999 Constitution if instead there had been Transitioning for Constitutional Renegotiation as called for by Declaration of Constitutional Force Majeure since 16 December 2020.

As discussions continue how to proceed to have a fresh Nigeria Union, there have been proposals driven by ignorance that must be swiftly dispelled: Nigeria needs a New Constitutional Arrangement not simply a “New Constitution”. Therefore, to stop wasting more precious time and to halt the looming disaster that Unitary Nigeria brings with it, we cannot ignore the fact that for Nigeria to be stable and functioning, it should be as a Federation (or a Confederation). A Federation is a Union of Constitutions: each Federating Unit has its own Constitution plus a Federating Constitution that brings about the Union of Federating Units into a Federation. This arrangement should have been well-known because that is how it had been when there were three then later four Regions.

Thus, the solution to what ails Unitary Nigeria is not simply about making a “New Constitution”. It is about “New Constitutional Arrangements” that will give rise to Constitutions for each of the Federating Units (States/Regions) as well as produce a Federating Constitution (Union Agreement).

Notice of constitutional grievances declaration of constitutional force majeure and demand for transitioning process for an orderly reconfiguration of the constitutional basis of the federation

The 1999 Constitution (as amended) has been faulted as a major obstacle to the peace and progress of Nigeria. From its doubtful origins to its controversial provisions, not a few eminent Nigerians have called for its abrogation.

There is a need to resolve the constitutional dispute in Nigeria by introducing new constitutional arrangements. This can only be done by the ethnic nationalities.

Please read the publication above and be acquainted with the cause of the current distress in Nigeria.

The solution is in the hands of the people.

Please find time to review the following broadcasts to get a better grasp of both the problem and the solutions proffered by NINAS.

1. Nnia Nwodo: Chief Witness To The Fraud of 1999. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/Q3gxFEgtUZU.
2. What we have in Nigeria is a State held at Gun-point – Fr. (Prof) Anthony Akinwale. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/aMnZVTFUu-Y.
3. The 1999 Constitution is a fraud. Dr. Obadiah Mailafia Link to the video: https://youtu.be/9fcFSW4N2Wk.
4. Nigeria Has No Constitution To Amend As The People Never Made Any. Olanipekun SAN. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/uNfXCYFbnWw.
5. NIGERIA: The Pyramid of Evil. (The Coven, The Principalities, The Powers, Demons & Familiar Spirit) Link to the video: https://youtu.be/2lHGQl8nGa8.
6. Separating NINAS’ Union Reconstruction Template From Vague Restructuring Noise. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/yj8jFpo5V_U.
7. 5-Point Propositions of the NINAS Constitutional Force Majeure of December 16th, 2020. (PART 6). Link to the video: https://youtu.be/gIhq-YmfVYM.

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