Defining The Change We Seek.
In the terrible situation Nigeria has fallen into and in the midst of the several dangers racing towards Nigerians from all fronts including Political Instability, Economic Freefall and Security Meltdown, it is pertinent that those who genuinely seek solutions to a Country that is wobbling dangerously towards catastrophic implosion, must begin with a simple Cause-Effect Analysis for why things are the way they are with Nigeria and Nigerians AND what can be done to arrest the situation.
That analysis will show clearly that the PROBLEM with Nigeria is the Unworkable Anti-Development, Anti-Innovation, Corruption-Fueling Unitary Constitutional Order imposed on a Federal Union.
It follows that the SOLUTION to Nigeria right now lies in the immediate Decommissioning of Nigeria’s Unitary Constitutional Order and the reinstatement of Federal Constitutional Arrangements failing which the Distressed Union risks a Most Disorderly Disintegration.
Then comes the Question:
“Is it by further National ELECTIONS under the 1999 Constitution that we can solve the Problem?”
The obvious answer is an unequivocal NO and the self-evident solution is the initiation of an Immediate TRANSITIONING Process for the Constitutional Reconstruction of Nigeria, just as South Africa did in 1990 to commence the Decommissioning of the Apartheid Constitutional Order that had brought that Country to its knees.
Accordingly, it should now be past debate that between Elections and Constitutional Reconstruction, the more urgent imperative for Nigeria is Constitutional-Reconstruction First, not Elections, because further National Elections under the 1999 Constitution will only reinforce the life of that atrocious Constitution as the winners of such Elections MUST Swear to and Govern by that Constitution.
This is the logic behind the NINAS Union Reconstruction Proposition which prescribes the Suspension of further National Elections under the 1999 Constitution and the Initiation of an Immediate Transitioning Process in place of plunging to another round of National Elections in 2027 under the 1999 Constitution.
It is astonishing to hear some of our compatriots talking about Electoral Reforms and Elections under the same Unitary Constitution enabling all the Corruption and Impunity we constantly lament.
If we find the discipline to DEFINE THE CHANGE WE SEEK, we will immediately see that it must be Constitutional-Reconstruction First ahead of any further National Elections, except we choose to deceive ourselves.