The first question to ask themselves is whether it is CHANGE OF LEADERSHIP that will deliver Nigeria from the fatal debilitations of its Unitary Constitution Or the CONSTITUTIONAL RECONSTRUCTION of Nigeria?
That first question should therefore lead to a second question of whether it is another round of National ELECTIONS IN 2027 UNDER NIGERIA’S 1999 UNITARY CONSTITUTION (no matter what Electoral Reforms anyone may suggest) that will deliver the cure that Nigeria urgently needs Or TRANSITIONING FOR IMMEDIATE CONSTITUTIONAL RECONSTRUCTION OF NIGERIA in place of Elections?
If we refuse to ask and answer these questions very clearly, honestly and objectively, then we will only continue in the perennial rigmarole of not defining the Change We Seek and therefore the Route To Attaining that Change.
Accompanying video broadcasts to review:
1. Drawing The Battle-Line Against The Fraud of 1999 & Its Enforcers.
2. Chaos-Looms-On-Road-To-2027: We Must Now Give Up Unitary Constn Or Forfeit Nigerian Union – NINAS.
3. NINAS 5-Point Proposition Is Nigeria’s Only Hope for Constitutional Reconstruction.
4. Halting Doomed Voyage to 2027: NINAS Mobilize Victims of Unitary Nig. Against Enforcers of 1999Const.
5. Crash of 1999 Constn is End of Unitary Nigeria: Sovereignty Retrieval Next.
6. NINAS Force Majeure Has Shot Down 1999 Constn: Transition Now or Dissolution.