Background To The Recent Reinstatement Of United States Policy Actions Against Nigeria For Ethnoreligious Killings.

Tony Nnadi, LNC-NINAS,

16 March 2025

As a matter of Strategy, 80% of what we do in LNC (Lower Niger Congress) and NINAS (Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance for Self-Determination) are kept in the Covert Compartment and therefore not generally known to the public. That is why the System did not see the NINAS onslaught coming. Our Undertakings in Washington DC and New York fall largely into this Covert Compartment.

Working with US-based Partner Organizations and Facilitators including ICON, Mission Africa International, and Save The Persecuted Christians, a NINAS Team led by Tony Nnadi was directly and deeply involved in the efforts and processes in Washington DC, between Congress and State Department, that culminated in the December 2019 US Watchlisting of Nigeria for Widespread Ethnoreligious Killings; the March 2020 Designation of Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC); and the June 2, 2020 Executive Order on International Religious Freedom. Then following the November 2020 US Presidential Election and the ouster of President Trump, the unthinkable happened when President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken yanked Nigeria off the CPC List even when the Killings were on the increase.

With the return of Trump as President in January 2025, the June 2, 2020 Executive Order on IRF was reinstated and the core group that had previously worked out the aforementioned US Policy Actions on Nigeria was mandated to review, update and recommence implementation. Tony Nnadi of NINAS, along with the Groups in the US that Facilitated the 2019 IRF Engagements in Washington DC are in that Core Group.

Just so we can be enlightened on the subject, posted below are some of the materials from our engagements on the subject in Washington DC between January and July 2019.

  1. Video: LNC’s Tony Nnadi At The National Press Club In Washington, DC
  2. The US Centre For Security Policy declares that Nigeria under Buhari is in a SOS  situation, and recommends immediate intervention before it explodes. The Speaker in the video below is Frank Gaffney, introducing the Segment of Coordinated Press Conferences on Nigeria at the National Press Club, Washington DC, January 17, 2019 with the Theme: “NIGERIA AT BREAKING POINT”, Convened and Facilitated by the Mission Africa International, Save the Persecuted Christians and International Committee on Nigeria, where Tony Nnadi of the LNC made the Lead Presentation.

    Video: Nigeria At Breaking Point: Frank Gaffney, Washington DC, Jan 17, 2019.

  3. Frank Gaffney Interviews Tony Nnadi (Jan 2019) (Frank Gaffney is a Former US Assistant Defense Secretary) 
  4. Photographs

    Picture-1. Former Congressman Frank Wolf with Tony Nnadi during the House Session of IRF Ministerial Roundtables at the Capitol Hill, June 5, 2019 Washington DC.

    two male talking to each other

    Picture-2 Amb Sam Brownback with Tony Nnadi during the Senate Session of the June 11, 2019 IRF Ministerial Roundtables at the Capitol Hill.

    two male talking to each other

    June 11, 2019, pictures here below show the LNC Team at the Senate Building Session of the IRF Ministerial Roundtable on the Capitol Hill. Chaired by Ambassador Sam Brownback; showing Frank Gaffney, Tony Nnadi, Veteran Congressman Frank Wolf and the Survivors/Victims of the Invading Fulani Militia from Nigeria. Reaching a Finding that the ISIS/Boko-Haram/ISWAP-Aided Fulani Ethnic Cleansing Campaign against the Indigenous Nationalities of Nigeria is being condoned (and even being facilitated) by the Nigerian Government, the US in December 2019, placed Nigeria on a Special Watch List signposting US Focus and Action Outline on Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region. The 2019 Christmas Day Beheading of 10 Nigerian Christians by ISIS to avenge the US recent Killing of ISIS Leader, Al-Baghdadi validates the LNC Team’s alarm to Washington that Nigeria & West Africa has become the New Frontline of the Global War On Terror.

    group of people having a conference meeting
    group of people having a conference meeting
    group of people having a conference meeting
    group of people having a conference meeting

    Then Tony Nnadi representing LNC-NINAS at The State Department

  5. Special US State Department Side Event on Nigeria at the Marvin Center, George Washington University, Washington, DC.

    Video: 2019 US State Dept. IRF Ministerial Roundtable Side Event On Nigeria

  6. Photographs

    These are Pictures from the Nigeria-Focused US State Department Event during the 2019 International Religious Freedom Ministerial Roundtables, July 16, 2019 at the Marvin Center, George Washington University, Washington DC.

    Showing in Turn at the Lectern:

    1. Tony Nnadi of the LNC, Lead Presentation Titled: ”UNGOVERNED SPACES AS BREEDING GROUNDS FOR GLOBAL TERROR” 
    2. Prof Ojutiku – Moderator.
    3. Chief of Staff to Benue State Governor, Orbunde (in Tiv Native cap).
    group of people having a conference meeting
  7. Next day after the Washington events, Frank Gaffney addressing a convention in Denver Colorado, speaking about Sharia, the persecution of Christians, religious freedom, and mentioning Nigeria’s situation.

    Video: Frank Gaffney – Western Conservative Summit 2019

  8. Halting Ethno-Religious Killings In Nigeria And Holding Perpetrators Accountable: A Background To President Trump’s June 2, 2020 Executive Order On Advancing International Religious Freedom.

    In the weeks that followed the June-July 2019 International Religious Freedom Ministerial Roundtables in Washington DC which at the Facilitation of US-Based ICON, Mission Africa International, the Save The Persecuted Christians took Presentations from the Lower Niger Congress and Testimonies from Victims and Survivors of Murderous Fulani Invaders in the Middle-Belt of Nigeria, efforts were intensified to get the Government of the United States to Craft and Deploy Policy Actions on Nigeria to arrest the worsening Scourge of Ethno-Religious Killings. 

    These efforts resulted in US Policy Actions on Nigeria which so far had included the December 2019 Placement of Nigeria on a US Special Watchlist, the subsequent categorization of Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) and the June 2, 2020 Executive Order on Advancing International Religious Freedom by then President Donald Trump. The push had been on for the Appointment of a US Special Envoy to Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin following a Formal Letter of January 27, 2020 Signed by 118 Organizations, (mostly US Evangelicals and other Stakeholder-Groups) and 33 Individuals. 

    In this Presentation to the Western Conservative Summit 2019, one of the main champions of this Campaign and a Former US Assistant Secretary for Defense, Frank Gaffney, who is also President of Save the Persecuted Christians, beams the searchlight on Causative Factor of Sharia Ethnic-Religious Supremacists and the Imperative of Holding the Individual and Institutional Perpetrators the Persecutions and Killings Accountable, including their collaborators and facilitators. 

    The LNC invites you to view this Presentation as a guide to understanding the nexus between the aforementioned June 2, 2020 Executive Order and the containment of the Fulani Invasion/Ethnic Cleansing Onslaught against the Indigenous Nationalities of Nigeria especially in the Southern and Middle-Belt Territories of Nigeria.

  9. July 2019, Amidst widespread killings by heavily armed Fulani Militia, masquerading as herdsmen, Buhari dispatched VP Yemi Osinbajo to Washington DC to lie to the US Government that no such killings were happening in Nigeria.

    Video: After 8 Years as Vice President: Osinbajo’s Testimonial

    saturday tribune
  10. Meanwhile, while LNC-NINAS was in Washington DC struggling with “demons and principalities” deployed by Nigeria to block our efforts, including the then Vice-President of Nigeria, Yemi Osinbajo, the criminal-minded gang leader of the “Biafra Restoration” fabrication was hoping to sabotage the LNC-NINAS efforts during this period at an interview with Rudolf Okonkwo in New York:

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