Another Back-Door Attempt By The Illicit Federal Government Of Nigeria To Unilaterally Rework The Fraudulent Constitutional Foundations Of Nigeria, Relying On The Recommendations Of The So-Called 2014 Confab Report Is Dead On Arrival.

“NINAS Will Countermand the Anti-Federation Attempt by Nigeria’s National Assembly and illicit Federal Government to further Fracture and Weaken Nigeria’s already emasculated Federating Units by the creation of additional 31 States and Local Governments, as that would be tantamount to further departure from the Federation Imperative. The recourse to the 2014 Confab Report as Basis for Restructuring Nigeria is a miserable effort to evade the inevitable Grand Union Renegotiation Nigeria must now undertake, to remain one Political Union. The Delegates to the 2014 National Conference came as representatives of the States, Geopolitical Zones and Civil Society Groups, NOT  on behalf of the Ethnic Constituent Components of Nigeria (ie the Peoples of Nigeria) in whom Sovereignty Vest Exclusively”.

Responding to enquiries that followed the news report on the proposition by Nigeria’s National Assembly for the creation of an additional 31 States and more Local Governments, Tony Nnadi of NINAS wrote as follows: 

Just like Tinubu’s controversial “Local Government Autonomy” bypass by the Supreme Court of Nigeria and his so-called “Tax Reform Bills” before, this ill-thought out, nauseating and provocative proposal by Nigeria’s obdurate House of Representatives, is a further departure from the FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL Imperative for the Distressed Federation of Nigeria.

The demented fellows who gather in Nigeria’s National Assembly in Abuja under the influence, empowerment and imprimatur of the Fraudulent Unitary Constitution of Nigeria (1999), by which our Sovereignty is Hijacked, AND who totally blocked their ears to the cries and demands of their own Peoples in whose names and on whose behalf they sit at that National Assembly, will wake up under the rubble of their folly and intransigence.

Everything erected upon the 1999 Constitution including the States, Local Governments and the 68-Item Federal Exclusive Legislative List will go down with that Constitution even if 31 new States are obdurately added.

The ignorance and dishonesty of the ill-informed minority who clamour for the adoption of the so-called 2014 Confab Report will not replace the Grand Union Renegotiation Imperative without which the Nigerian Union will collapse miserably.

Be assured that no one will touch the recommendations of the 2014 Conference Report produced by a National Conference that expressly Rejected, at Plenary, any Discussions on the QUESTION OF UNION. (ie Basis of Union and Unity), in negation of the express Mandate of the Convener of the Conference, President Goodluck Jonathan who by that Mandate, sought the Revisitation of the Constitutional Foundation upon which Nigeria was constructed in 1914 and 1960.

We were directly involved in the Processes up till the point that the Modalities we had Agreed with President Jonathan got truncated and reversed by agents of the “1967 Alliance” who were bent on retaining the Unitary Framework, and who were only interested in ousting President Jonathan from power in 2015.

As we can see in our October 8, 2013 STV Interview posted herein and titled “Back to Aburi”, those agents of darkness had inserted a clause in the Terms of Reference for the Conference, in sabotage of President Jonathan’s Clear Mandate, such that the outcome of the Conference Deliberations would be integrated into the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria. That clause defeated the whole essence of the Conference.

In view of the fact that it was our Proposition that President Jonathan had accepted in Convening the 2014 Conference, NINAS was constrained to pull out of the Conference process the very moment the modalities we agreed with President Jonathan were unilaterally changed, without his authorization, into the charade that eventually took place in the name of “National Conference”.

We went to National Television the very next day (October 8, 2013) on behalf of NINAS, to inform the country why NINAS pulled out of the Conference Initiative and why the Conference would fail woefully in its Mission. Predictably, that was what happened to the 2014 Conference for which reason its outcome was dead on arrival.

Video: Back to Aburi: How we got here; where we are headed

We are not reporting what someone told us about these Confab 2014 events. We are reporting what transpired between the NINAS Team I was privileged to lead and the then President Jonathan, leading up to the Inauguration of the Femi Okurounmu Committee on October 7, 2013 which was given the responsibility to Midwife the 2014 National Conference.

Anyone or Institution, including the National Assembly of Nigeria, still entertaining the thought of deploying the prescriptions of the 2014 Conference for the “Restructuring” of Nigeria, will find himself or itself on a head-on Collision with those who reject the Hijack of our Sovereignty by the Instrumentality of the Caliphate-Imposed Unitary Constitution of Nigeria (1999).

We Either Discuss the Nigerian Union immediately or we Disperse Forthwith.

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