End-Of-Road For 1999 Constitution As Curtain Falls For Military Class Of 1966.
NINAS Secretariat
23 February 2025
Where we are now:
Nigeria must now choose between the Orderly Decommissioning of the 1999 Constitution OR the Disorderly Dissolution of the Nigerian Union.
Nigerians must now choose between Reinforcing or Terminating their Bondage by EITHER Heading To the 2027 General Elections under the 1999 Constitution OR Shutting Down the Voyage to 2027 as a mark of their Rejection of the 1999 Constitution.
Those who Reject the Death-Dispensing, Anti-Development, Corruption-Fueling, and Impunity-Enabling Unitary Constitution of Nigeria CANNOT at the same be mobilizing towards another round of National Elections in 2027 under that Constitution since the Winners of any such Elections Must Swear To and Govern by that Constitution which guarantees the aforementioned evils. It will be tantamount to self-deceit of Suicidal Proportions.
In place of those Elections, there would be a time-bound period of Transitioning that should commence now in 2025, just like South Africa had to ease itself out of its own Death-Dispensing illegitimate Apartheid constitutional order. During Transitioning there would be no anarchy and no power vacuum for governance structures would remain in a transitional capacity. The NINAS Transitioning Template is on the Table.