June 12: The Ghost of 1966-1970 Genocide Descended on the Core of 1967 Alliance in June 1993.

Responding to enquiries from the article about MKO Abiola, who sacrificed himself, trying to save Nigerians from the Monster of Unitarism, Tony Nnadi wrote as follows [but first, please hear the late Professor Humphrey Nwosu as he informs Nigerians in an SR interview mentioning names, and some of the machinations carried out to prevent Abiola from becoming President after the June 1993 elections]:

“Those who wonder how Abiola sacrificed himself in trying to save Nigerians from the Monster of Unitary Nigeria should read the follow-up article by Tony Nnadi titled: “Nigeria’s Unitary Albatross, The Class Of ‘66 And The Sacrifice Of MKO Abiola: We Must Now Finish Abiola’s Unfinished Task To Liberate Ourselves From Unitary Bondage”. Link HERE:


That follow-up article goes all the way back to the issues of 1966-1970, which threw up the Murtala Mohammed-Olusegun Obasanjo junta of 1975-1979 that imposed the 1979 Unitary Constitutional Order on Nigeria by Military Fiat (Decree), carried forward wholesale 20 years after as “1999 Constitution”.

In summary, the forces behind the Murtala Imposition of Unitarism were the same forces that opposed Abiola’s emergence in 1993, and Abiola eventually lost his life for trying desperately to terminate the Unitary Constitutional Order on Nigeria imposed by the Military Wing of the Caliphate via Murtala Mohammed and the Caliphate Head-Slave, Olusegun Obasanjo. I share this information as one who was directly involved in the circumstances leading to the 1994 emergence of NADECO as the Joint Venture between Abiola and the Non-Caliphate Wing of the Military, featuring Admiral Ndubuisi Kanu, Commodore Ebitu Ukiwe, General Alani Akinrinade, Commodore Dan Suleiman and a host of others. Abiola had a chance to save himself from the danger represented by his incarceration but, he chose to part ways with his erstwhile Military Partners-in-Crime of many years, to stake himself in the dangerous task of uprooting the Unitary Constitutional Albatross imposed on Nigerians by his Military friends since 1975 as Victory Charter from the Genocide of 1966-1970.

It was the ghost of the Genocide of 1966-1970 that descended into the operational core of the North-Southwest Alliance of 1967 amidst the highwire Power Play that surrounded the planning and execution of the June 12 1993 Presidential Election, triggering the chain of events that will ultimately consume the end-product of the brigandage of the 1967 Alliance. That end-product is the Unitary Constitutional Order imposed on Nigeria as Victory Charter from the Genocide of 1966-1970 by the Alliance of 1967, to permanently subjugate the Igbo East in the Nigerian Project. The truth has been forced into the arena and the falsehoods upon which Nigeria had constructed itself and its Democracy is unravelling like a pack of cards.”

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