NINAS Extraordinary Milestone Announcement, Quarter 3 Of 2024 Updates And Next-Steps Towards Union Reset

NINAS Secretariat

07 July 2024

Video: Break The Chains of Unitary Bondage: Transition Now.

(1) Delegitimization of the 1999 Constitution and Activation of Decommissioning Processes towards Union Reset:

We recall that the stated Objective of the December 16, 2020, NINAS Constitutional Force Majeure was to Delegitimize and Terminate the Operation of the 1999 Constitution via an Orderly Transitioning Process that Provides a Framework for the Grand Renegotiation and Reconfiguration of the Distressed Federation of Nigeria.

NINAS is delighted to Report Success in the Attainment of the Objectives of the Constitutional Force Majeure with the Defeat and Delegitimization of the 1999 Constitution, and this puts Nigeria firmly on the Path to Transitioning for a Union Reset.

The evidence of this success is the current Back-Door attempt by the Government of Nigeria to Replace that Constitution by way of an illicit “Draft Bill for the Substitution of the 1999 Constitution” thrown up by one Akin Fapohunda, amidst escalating Countrywide demands for the RESTRUCTURING of Nigeria.

That attempt is Dead On Arrival as the Legislative Mandate of the National Assembly, which is for Law-Making, does not extend to Constitution-Making.

(2) The No-Union Reality of Unitary Nigeria and the Urgent Imperative of a Transitioning for Union Reconfiguration as South Africa did in 1990 to Decommission Apartheid and Rescue itself from the same kind of Dangerous Bind Unitary Nigeria is currently locked in.

It will be recalled that a few weeks before the December 16, 2020 Activation of Constitutional Force Majeure, Prof Auwalu Yadudu, upon receiving information about the NINAS plan to Proclaim a Joint Multi-Regional Constitutional Force Majeure, raised an urgent alarm via the Media to the Government, about the grave implications of that Proclamation should NINAS carry through its Plan. In the words of Prof Yadudu:

“If that Proclamation is allowed to proceed as planned, it will Unhinge the Legal Basis of the Federation of Nigeria.”

(Recall that Auwalu Yadudu, a Professor of Law, was General Sani Abacha’s Chief Legal Adviser who upon the death of Abacha, was retained by General Abdulsalami Abubakar, to process and midwife the emergence of the so-called “1999 Constitution”).

December 16, 2020, came and the Constitutional Force Majeure Proclamation went ahead as scheduled, despite the best efforts of the Government of the day to scuttle that Proclamation.

The Rigorous Implementation of the Constitutional Force Majeure followed, and the reality now is that the Legal Basis of the Federation of Nigeria is Unhinged.

What this means is that with the Defeat and Demise of the 1999 Constitution, the Unitary Union Erected Upon that Constitution is at an end and so, We Have No Union

Accordingly, EITHER the Proprietors of Unitary Nigeria initiate an immediate Transitioning Process for Constitutional Reconstruction OR the Union will head to Dissolution by the Unilateral, Legitimate Self-Determination Actions of the trapped Constituent Components of the Failed Toxic Lugardian Experiment of 1914 we call Nigeria.

Amidst the disastrous consequences of plunging heedlessly to the 2023 Presidential Election under the 1999 Constitution, (against the advice and entreaties of NINAS), NINAS is delighted to inform the Public that the Implementation of the Constitutional Force Majeure has arrived at the Enforcement Threshold by way of Coordinated Multi-Regional Actions that will trigger the Constitutional Logjam that will precipitate the Transitioning for Union Renegotiation and Reconfiguration.

As indicated in the attached Graphic illustration above titled:” Q-3 & Q-4/2024 FINAL STEPS TO INITIATING JOINT JAILBREAK AND UNION RESET”, the Task Components of the NINAS Union Reconstruction Designs were compartmentalized into Six slots and quantified in percentages, (75%, 5%, 5%, 5%. 5% & 5% respectively); Five of the Six slots, totaling 95% have been undertaken remaining the last slot of 5% which is now due.

That last slot (which is the only one involving the Populace in the Entire NINAS Project Design), is the Mobilization of the Populace into the only role assigned to them by the NINAS Union Reconfiguration Project Designs. That Task Compartment is now due to be undertaken, and so a series of information regarding the operational details guiding the Tasks will be made available to the Public by the NINAS Secretariat, starting with this Extraordinary Milestone Bulletin, the Graphic Illustrations and a few Milestone-Specific Audiovisuals.

Inquiries regarding these Tasks can be directed to the NINAS Secretariat through the contact details displayed in the Fliers and the NINAS Broadcasts.

NINAS Extraordinary Milestone Announcement Video Broadcasts:

(1) “Dangers of Anyaoku’s Wrong Prescriptions For Nigeria’s Constitutional Reconstruction: Quenching Fire With Petrol”

(2) “Fapohunda/Tinubu’s Bid at Back-Door Substitution of 1999 Constitution: Lunacy of Building from the Roof”

(3) “A Manual on the Practical Workings of the NINAS Union Reconfiguration Propositions”

July 7, 2024.

NINAS Secretariat,

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